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£6,500 Claim For Injury After Fall In Tesco In Wrexham

More Personal Accident Claims

Injury After Fall In Tesco Store In Wrexham


£6500 Compensation for Wrexham client who fell in toilet


PSR Solicitors of Wrexham have successfully obtained £6,500.00 in personal injury compensation for a Client who was injured as a result of an accident that occurred in a Tesco Store in Wrexham.

The circumstances of the accident were that our Client attended the Tesco store and he decided to go to the bathroom before starting his shop. Our Client was on the toilet when the toilet seat slipped from underneath him and he ended up falling and suffering injury. The toilet seat slipped because it was loose and unsafe.

Upon accepting the case we alleged negligence on the part of Tesco. Various allegations were made, such as they failed to repair the toilet seat, they caused of permitted the toilet seat to be loose, they failed to inspect and maintain the toilet seat and they failed to ensure the safety of our Client whilst he was a visitor in their store in breach of Section 2 of the Occupier’s Liability Act.

Liability was admitted by Tesco and following the admission we obtained medical evidence for our Client and obtained a favourable injury compensation settlement on their behalf.

If you are looking to make a Supermarket Accident Claim for a personal injury after a fall in a Tesco Store or any supermarket chain and you want free advice from a fully qualified solicitor then please contact us now. Using one of our specialist solicitors ensures that you have a better chance of winning your claim and receiving all of the compensation and help that you are entitled to.

We have offices throughout North Wales and Cheshire and you can contact us safe in the knowledge that one of our expert solicitors will take care of everything for you on a No Win No Fee. This means that you won't have any legal costs to pay if your claim is unsuccessful so No Win No Fee = No Risk To You.

Paul Rossiter
Posted by: Paul Rossiter Managing Director

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