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£4,000 For Car Accident In St Asaph

More Road Accident Claims

Car Accident In St Asaph

£4000 In Compensation For All 4 Clients


PSR Solicitors in St Asaph have now successfully concluded an unusual car crash case on behalf of 4 Clients who were involved in an accident in December 2015.

Our clients were passengers in a vehicle being driven by their colleague which was proceeding along St Asaph Road (north bound). Our clients’ driver was driving his vehicle at approximately 60mph, despite the weather being extremely wet, and was overtaking vehicles in the fast lane of the dual carriageway. As the driver was proceeding along the road a collision occurred with a third party vehicle which had been travelling in the opposite direction, had lost control and marooned their vehicle partially on the oncoming carriageway.

We commenced cases against both the third party driver and the driver of the Claimants’ vehicle, the former because he had failed to keep control of his vehicle and the latter because he had hit a stationary vehicle. Both insurers denied liability, in summary blaming each of the other drivers for the accident.

We issued the matter in court in October 2016 and a trial was listed in October 2017. At trial the Court found a split liability of 75% and 25% for each defendant respectively. As a result, our client’s each received 100% of their compensation awards, paid in part by each insurer, totalling nearly £4000 each.

If you are looking to claim compensation for a car accident in St Asapah and you want free advice from a fully qualified solicitor then please contact us now. Using one of our specialist solicitors ensures that you have a better chance of winning your claim and receiving all of the compensation and help that you are entitled to.

We have offices throughout North Wales and Cheshire and you can contact us safe in the knowledge that one of our expert solicitors will take care of everything for you on a No Win No Fee basis.  This means that you won't have any legal costs to pay if your claim is unsuccessful so No Win No Fee = No Risk To You.

Richard Layfield
Posted by: Richard Layfield Solicitor - Head of Personal Injury

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