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£13,000 For Tinnitus After Car Accident In Prestatyn

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£13,000 For Tinnitus After Car Accident In Prestatyn

Tinnitus from car crash

Our client was driving a works mini-bus along Victoria Road, Prestatyn in a westerly direction. Without warning a third party vehicle pulled out from a layby on her nearside into collision with the nearside of her vehicle.

As a result of the car accident in Prestatyn the Claimant suffered the normal soft tissue injuries associated with these types of accident, however she also developed tinnitus for which she sought medical attention from a specialist.

In many cases, tinnitus dissipates on its own regardless of the cause. However, that doesn't mean that our client should have to wait weeks, months, or even years for your medical treatment for the same. This is especially important as there is no cure for tinnitus. It can be temporary or persistent, mild or severe, gradual or instant. The goal of treatment was to help our client manage the perception of the sound in her head. There are many treatments available that can help reduce the perceived intensity of tinnitus, as well as its omnipresence.

Following our being instructed in January 2016 liability was admitted by the defendant’s insurers. We thereafter obtained medical evidence and proceeded to put forward an offer to the defendants. Following negotiations a settlement figure in the sum of over £13,000.00 was agreed.

As a result of our client employing our specialist services our client received the maximum settlement figure possible.

If you are looking to claim compensation for injuries sustained in a car accident in Prestatyn and you want free advice from a fully qualified solicitor then please contact us now. Using one of our specialist solicitors ensures that you have a better chance of winning your claim and receiving all of the compensation and help that you are entitled to.

We have offices throughout North Wales and Cheshire and you can contact us safe in the knowledge that one of our expert solicitors will take care of everything for you on a No Win No Fee basis .This means that you won't have any legal costs to pay if your claim is unsuccessful so No Win No Fee = No Risk To You.

Richard Layfield
Posted by: Richard Layfield Solicitor - Head of Personal Injury

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