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Ankle Injury Compensation Calculator for Ankle Injury, Sprained and Broken Ankle Compensation Payouts

How much could your Ankle Injury Claim be worth?

Ankle injuries occur frequently and can be extremely debilitating. If you've suffered an ankle injury because of another person's negligence, such as in a slip, trip or fall accident that wasn't your fault, you may be able to claim compensation.

Contact PSR Solicitors today to have a confidential chat with one of our friendly Personal Injury Lawyers. We understand that making a claim can be daunting, which is why we’ll listen compassionately as you speak, and offer open and honest advice.

We'll answer your questions honestly and transparently and give you a clear outline of what your next steps should be.

Ankle injuries can cause extreme pain, and can severely restrict victims' abilities to carry out day-to-day tasks and engage in regular activities, such as going to work. For many people, ankle injuries can cause long-term pain that can seriously affect their ability to work and earn a living.

Here at PSR, we've seen first-hand how compensation payouts can help victims and their families to overcome financial worries such as lost earnings, and fund rehabilitative treatments.

Based in the North West, our renowned team of tenacious personal injury solicitors regularly represent clients from across the UK, using their unrivalled knowledge of personal injury law to secure the compensation payouts that our clients deserve.

To find out more about how our expert team of personal injury solicitors could help you make your ankle injury compensation claim, contact PSR Solicitors today.

Ankle Injury Compensation Claim Values

Compensation Guide

Ankle Injuries

Amputation of one foot

£89,960 - £109,650

Very Severe Ankle Injury 

£50,060 - £69,700

Severe Ankle Injury 

£31,310 - £50,060

Serious Foot Injury

£23,450 - £39,970

Moderate Foot Injury

£13,740 - £24,990

Compensation Guide

Tendon Injuries

Serious Tendon Injury or Sprain

£24,990 - £30,090

Moderate Tendon Injury or Sprain

£12,590 - £21,070

Minor Tendon Injury or Sprain

£7,270 - £12,590

Contact our Ankle Injury Claims Experts

Paul Rossiter

Paul Rossiter

Managing Director

Richard Layfield

Richard Layfield

Solicitor - Head of Personal Injury

Mark House

Mark House

Solicitor - Head of Litigation

Jasmine Ostanek

Jasmine Ostanek


Types of Ankle Injuries

If you have suffered any type of ankle injury in an accident that wasn't your fault, you may be entitled to claim compensation.

The below list contains some of the most common ankle injuries, but we encourage you to speak directly to a member of our friendly personal injury team if your injury is complicated, or not listed.

Ankle Fractures

Ankle fractures occur when one or more of the bones that make up the ankle joint are broken. Crushing accidents, such as those in the workplace, can cause extensive bone fractures that require intensive medical care.

While some ankle fractures can heal with minor medical interventions, some require surgery to be fixed. Generally, the worse the break, the longer the recovery time. Whilst the fracture heals, victims may find it difficult or even impossible to walk, and may need to take time off work.

Compensation payouts can help to recover any earnings that you may have lost due to taking time off work to heal, contact us to find out more.


Sprains are painful injuries that occur when the ligaments that hold the ankle joint together are overstretched and become damaged. Ankle inversion sprains, which occur when the ankle twists outwards, are one of the most common types of ankle sprains. Although these injuries are often deemed to be mild in nature, they can take time to heal from, and may require time off work.

Eversion sprains occur when the foot twists inwards and the ligament inside the ankle is pulled. It is usually more severe than an inversion sprain, requiring more time to heal.

Sprains can be very painful and debilitating, forcing victims to take extended periods of time off work.

Ankle Dislocation

Dislocation occurs when the bones within the ankle joint come out of place, usually because the ankle has been forced to flex beyond its natural range of action. If the force is extreme, fractures may also occur, which can complicate the healing process. Treatment is often required to re-attach the dislocated bones or structures.

In most cases, ankle injuries can heal with medical intervention, but in some cases the damage can be too extensive to repair, resulting in amputation.

Causes of Ankle Injuries

Ankle injuries are common injuries that can occur in almost any setting. Below are some of the most common causes of ankle injuries, but the list is not exhaustive. If you have suffered an ankle injury in a scenario that is not covered here, you could still be entitled to claim compensation.

We encourage you to speak to a member of our team to discuss your case directly with one of our advisors.


Slips, Trips and Falls

Ankle injuries often occur because of slips, trips and falls. While these types of injuries happen frequently, you may be able to claim compensation if it can be shown in court that someone should have taken steps to mitigate the hazard that caused the injury to occur. For example, someone who slipped on a wet floor in a shopping centre could make a claim for compensation if the floor was not sign-posted at the time of the slip to say that it was wet.

All commercial properties, such as shopping centres, have a legal duty to maintain a safe environment for the public. Their obligations can be viewed in The Occupiers' Liability Act of 1957.  Similarly, the council has a duty to maintain public pavements and other structures. Someone who tripped over a poorly maintained pavement could make a public accident claim for compensation on the grounds that the pavement should have been monitored and risk assessed.

Here at PSR, we have successfully represented many victims of slips, trips and falls, claiming compensation against councils and owners of public spaces.


Workplace Accidents

Employers have a duty of care to protect their employees from harm. If they fail to take appropriate action to safeguard their staff and a member of their team is injured as a result, the victim has the right to a workplace accident compensation claim from their employer.

Ankle injuries can occur in the workplace for a variety of reasons, including slips, trips, falls, and accidents involving workplace machinery. Crushing accidents that involve the foot can be extremely serious, and can cause extensive damage to the ankle.

You may be able to make a claim for compensation if you have suffered any kind of ankle injury at work due to your employer’s negligence.

You may be worried about claiming against your employer, especially if you are still employed by them. It's important to remember that your employer cannot punish you in any way for making a legitimate claim against them, but we understand that the situation can still be difficult.

With this in mind, your solicitor at PSR will liaise with your employer on your behalf during the proceedings so that you do not have to engage in legal conversations directly with your employer.

Over the years, we have helped thousands of employees successfully claim compensation from their employers, meaning you can trust us to make the process as easy as possible for you.


Road Traffic Accidents

In the UK, road traffic accidents are a tragically frequent occurrence. Official statistics suggest that around sixty road traffic accidents happen every day, resulting in more than 22,000 injuries every year. Amongst these accidents, injuries to the ankle occur frequently. 

Although some road users, such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists, are more vulnerable to suffering ankle injuries in road traffic injuries, car users (including passengers) can also be injured. Sadly, many victims of road traffic accidents experience multiple injuries; as such, we recommend that you contact a member of the PSR team to discuss your case further if you have been injured in a road traffic accident.

We have helped clients throughout the UK claim compensation for the injuries they suffered in road traffic accidents, and we're here now to help you.

Making an Ankle Injury Compensation Claim

If you have suffered an ankle injury as a direct consequence of the actions or negligence of another person or party, then you are entitled to speak to a legal expert for professional assistance in handling your ankle injury compensation claim.

PSR Solicitors provide a tailored personal injury claims service to ensure you are best placed to receive the maximum compensation settlement available to you. If you are seeking to claim compensation for an ankle injury and would like free expert advice from a fully qualified personal injury specialist, then please contact us now.

Once we have discussed the details of the accident, we can confirm that we are able to handle the case on a No Win No Fee basis. This promise means that in the unlikely event that you are unsuccessful in your ankle injury claim, we will waive any legal fees, meaning absolutely no financial risk to you.

We have offices throughout North Wales and Cheshire including Colwyn BayEllesmere PortRhylShottonWrexhamWallasey, and Chester, and as one the leading firms of Personal Injury Solicitors in Wales and Accident Claims Lawyers in Cheshire, you can contact us with confidence, safe in the knowledge that one of our skilled solicitors will take care of the entire compensation claim on your behalf, allowing you to concentrate on your recovery and rehabilitation.

Contact our Injury Solicitors to get started...

Your Personal Injury claim is vitally important, which is why we will contact you within an hour of your initial contact with us during normal working hours, or at the earliest opportunity on the next working day if you contact us after close of business.


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  • Law Society Accredited Solicitors
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  • Law Society Accredited Solicitors
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