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Chest Injury Compensation Calculator for Chest Injury & Rib Fracture Compensation Payouts

How much could your Chest Injury Compensation be worth?


If you've suffered a chest injury in an accident that wasn't your fault, PSR Solicitors are here to help.

If you're suffering a chest injury because of another person's negligence or incompetence, we encourage you to speak to a member of our friendly and approachable team of personal injury solicitors today at PSR solicitors to begin your claim and receive the compensation you deserve. While we understand that a financial payout will never be enough to undo the physical and emotional trauma caused by your injury, compensation payments have helped our clients to alleviate their financial worries and come to terms with what has happened to them.

Whether you're looking to start a claim straight away or are simply looking for some help and advice, contact our team today to discuss your unique case and find out how we can help you.

Depending on their nature, chest injuries can be extremely serious, with complications ranging from cracked and fractured ribs to serious internal damage to important organs such as the heart and lungs. Often, injuries sustained to the chest are extremely painful, and require time and medical intervention to be fully repaired. Sadly, in some cases, the effects of the injury can never be fully healed.


Compensation Amounts

If you are considering making a claim for a chest injury, you’re probably wondering how much money you could be entitled to in the event that your claim is successful. Ultimately, predicting how much a person could be entitled to is difficult given that each compensation amount is uniquely generated by the courts based on the unique case of each individual claimant. As such, the amount awarded to one person for an injury may be significantly different from that awarded to another, even if the cases appear very similar in nature. The below table can give you some indication of how much you could receive. Alternatively, for a more informed and bespoke estimation that is based on your circumstances, contact a member of our friendly and approachable team today to discuss your claim on a one-on-one basis.


Chest Injury Claims & Rib Injury Compensation

Compensation Guide

Serious Injury or removal of one lung

£94,470 - £140,870

Traumatic Chest Injury

Traumatic Injury causing permanent damage to an organ and/or structure within the chest space

£61,710 - £94,470

Damage to Chest 

Injury leading to continuing disability after the injury has healed

£29,380 - £54,460

Minor Chest Injury

A minor injury that may cause some impermanent pain

£11,820 - £16,860


Toxic smoke or fume inhalation that causes some degree of injury to the lungs

£5,000 - £11,820

Rib Fractures or Soft Tissue Damage

Rib fractures or soft tissue damage that causes serious but temporary pain that lasts only a few weeks

Up to £3,700

Contact our Chest Injury Claims Experts

Paul Rossiter

Paul Rossiter

Managing Director

Richard Layfield

Richard Layfield

Solicitor - Head of Personal Injury

Mark House

Mark House

Solicitor - Head of Litigation

Jasmine Ostanek

Jasmine Ostanek


Common Causes of Chest Injuries

Common causes of chest injuries include:

●     Road traffic accidents

●     Falls from heights

●     An accident at work

●     Criminal Injury, such as assault


Common Chest Injuries

There are many organs and structures within the chest cavity, which means that the effects of accidents that cause damage to this area can be wide-ranging and problematic. Depending on the organs that have been impacted, the injuries sustained can be mild and short-lived, or serious and prolonged. Although most chest injuries are capable of being healed, it is important to remember that all injuries cause significant discomfort to the victim, no matter how long they remain present for. If you have been injured and it wasn’t your fault, contact our team today to find out whether you could make a compensation claim.


Fractured Ribs

One of the most common injuries to the chest is damage to the ribs, which usually manifests as a crack, fracture, or break to one or more of the bones that make up the rib cage. Although the ribs are designed to protect the chest cavity, they are not infallible, and can be broken. Broken ribs take time to heal, usually weeks but sometimes months, and can cause significant distress. Victims of broken ribs will likely find it difficult to move without pain or conduct their day-to-day operations, such as getting dressed, washing, or going to work. Fractured ribs can happen as a result of falling from height, from being involved in road traffic accidents, or from being injured in a workplace accident. Blunt force trauma sustained during an assault can also cause damage to the rib cage.


Collapsed Lung

Known medically as a pneumothorax, a collapsed lung occurs when air leaks into the space that exists between the lung and the chest wall. The pressure exerted by the air pushes unsustainably against the outside of the lung, causing it to collapse. Thankfully, medical treatment can help the lung to work properly again, but full recovery can take up to eight weeks, and the symptoms of a collapsed lung, such as pain and difficulty breathing, can persist and cause serious problems for the victim. A collapsed lung can occur as a result of either blunt-force trauma, or from penetrating trauma, which involves the organ being actively pierced by an object. In some cases, a collapsed lung can occur as a secondary injury to a broken rib; this often occurs when the rib breaks and pierces the lung.



A hemothorax is a build-up of blood within the chest cavity. This condition usually arises after the victim has suffered some form of blunt-force trauma to the chest area, perhaps because of a fall, a workplace injury, or an assault. A hemothorax can occur with a pneumothorax, in which cases the overall injury is termed a hemopneumothorax. Symptoms often include chest pain and difficulty breathing, and medical treatment is required.


Industrial Related Chest Injuries and Diseases

While most chest injuries are caused by blunt force trauma or penetrating force trauma, such injuries can occur within the chest with no external damage. These injuries manifest as illnesses within the chest cavity that affect the organs and are often the direct result of exposure to dangerous chemicals, often in the workplace. Many lung conditions are now known to be a direct result of the inhalation of toxic chemicals, many of which were historically used with frequency in various workplaces. If you or someone you know has been affected by a chest injury that was caused by exposure to a toxic substance, contact our team today to find out more about how you could make a claim. Our page on Industrial Injury may also help provide more information on these types of chest injuries and the amount of compensation you could receive.

While this list is an attempt to show some of the chest injuries that you may have suffered after an accident, it is not exhaustive. If you are suffering from symptoms of a chest injury that are not listed here because of an accident that wasn’t your fault, contact PSR solicitors today and discuss your claim with a professional personal injury solicitor who can help you pursue your claim.​​​​​

Making a Chest Injury Claim

If you have suffered a Chest Injury through no fault of your own and you feel there is evidence of 3rd party liability, then you are entitled to claim compensation.

By choosing PSR Solicitors to handle your Chest Injury Claim, you can rest assured that you have secured the legal expertise and experience to win your claim and receive the maximum compensation that you deserve. We serve all clients with compassion and determination on a No Win No Fee basis, meaning there will be no legal costs to pay and therefore, no risk to you.

All PSR’s Personal Injury Solicitors in Wales and Accident Lawyers in Cheshire are accredited by the Law Society for Personal Injury Claims, giving you the reassurance they have the expertise and tenacity to secure the maximum levels of compensation for you or your family.

Covering North Wales and Cheshire, with offices in Colwyn BayEllesmere PortRhylShottonWrexhamWallasey, and Chester, PSR Solicitors is a leading firm of Personal Injury Solicitors, affording you the peace of mind that they will manage the entire claim to its conclusion and allow you to concentrate on recovery.

Contact our Injury Solicitors to get started...

Your Personal Injury claim is vitally important, which is why we will contact you within an hour of your initial contact with us during normal working hours, or at the earliest opportunity on the next working day if you contact us after close of business.


  • No Win No Fee
  • 5 Star Google satisfaction ratings
  • Law Society Accredited Solicitors
  • Personable, Professional & Reliable

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  • 5 Star Google satisfaction ratings
  • Law Society Accredited Solicitors
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