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Back Injury Compensation Calculator for Back Injury & Spinal Injury Compensation Payouts

How much could your Back Injury Compensation be worth?

Compensation claims for back injuries are most common following car accidents but they also arise as a result of slips and trips, and are also common following a back injury at work, especially in manual roles where employees find themselves lifting items that are too heavy for them.

Because an injury to the back can be so debilitating, especially where a serious back and spinal injury occurs, there is unfortunately often a psychological element to the injury and impact on the lives of those injured. With serious back and spinal injury, suffering from depression is an all too familiar, and unwanted side-effect of the injury.

If you have suffered a back injury through no fault of your own, and no matter how serious, then you deserve compensation.

Severe back injuries can lead to temporary or permanent paralysis.  A  fair compensation settlement award should reflect the pain and suffering caused but also the impact the injury may have on future life.  For example, adaptations may need to be made to the persons home and wheelchairs and stairlifts provided. Home care from specialist nurses may also be required.

Less serious back injuries cans still cause major inconvenience to someone's life whilst they take time to recover.

If you have sustained a back injury due to another person’s actions or negligence, then you are entitled to make a back injury compensation claim. 

So, if you, or a family member, or even a close friend have sustained a Back Injury and require expert legal advice on starting your compensation claim, then call and speak to our expert back Injury solicitors, we will provide the best support possible.

Below you will find guidance on Back Injury Compensation Payout values relative to the extent of the injury.

Back Injury Claims & Spinal Injury Compensation

Compensation Guide

Severe Back Injury with Spinal Cord Damage

Significant Spinal Cord and Nerve Damage - Indivdual experiences extreme pain, disability, and incomplete paralysis. Additional side effects include bladder and/or bowel dysfunction

£72,620 - £128,320

Serious Back Injury causing Significant Permanent Implications

Spinal Injury and Nerve Damage - Whilst not as serious as the category above, they will share certain symptoms and complications. Nerve root damage, impaired mobility, loss of sensation, impaired function of the bladder and bowel

£59,120 - £70,490

Back Injury causing Chronic Permanent Symptoms 

Severe Pain and lack of mobility due to fractured discs or disc lesions.

£30,910 - £55,590

Back Injury causing Serious Permanent Symptoms

caused by compression or crushing of the spine. Potentially leading to osteoarthritis.

£22,130 - £30,910

Back Injury causing Permanent Symptoms

Requiring surgery or spinal fusion, such as ligament and muscle damage, including prolapsed discs or soft tissue injuries.

£9,970 - £22,130

Back Injury - Recovery 2-5 Years

Resulting in a strain, muscle injury or prolapsed disc. Pain lasting 2-5 years where surgery is not required

£6,290 - £9,970

Back Injury - Recovery less than 2 Years

With a good chance of full recovery within a 3 month - 2 year period

£1,950 - £6,290

Minor Back Injury - Recovery less than 3 Months

Could be soft tissuie damage where recovery is less than 3 months

Up to £1,950

Contact our Back Injury Claims Experts

Paul Rossiter

Paul Rossiter

Managing Director

Richard Layfield

Richard Layfield

Solicitor - Head of Personal Injury

Mark House

Mark House

Solicitor - Head of Litigation

Jasmine Ostanek

Jasmine Ostanek


What factors are involved in Calculating Back Injury Compensation?

The value of your back injury compensation claim will vary with the circumstances, including the degree of negligence shown and the severity of your injuries.

The types of compensation you may be entitled to claim are:

  • Pain & suffering - Damages may be claimed not only for the pain and suffering caused by the physical injury but also for the psychological impact of the incident.
  • Medical treatment – You can claim for medical expenses incurred as a result of the injury, as well as for future medical costs
  • Loss of earnings – Compensation for any loss of earnings, present, and future, incurred as a consequence of the physical injuries sustained.
  • General damages – Physical pain, mental stress, and anguish, as well as other general damages.
  • Travel costs – Travel expenses incurred as a direct consequence of the accident, i.e. travel to appointments

How much compensation can you expect for a Back Injury Compensation Claim?

Our team of Back Injury Claim Specialists will consider every aspect of your injury and the financial losses sustained in order to determine the level of compensation you are entitled to claim. This figure is calculated using the criteria detailed above.

Ordinarily, most people consider their physical injuries and financial losses when thinking about the value of their compensation claim but many forget to factor in the psychological impact of the initial incident and the long-term implications of a back injury.

PSR Solicitors are Back Injury Claim Experts and have a long-standing track record of success in settling a varied range of back injury compensation claims.

As previously stated,  back injuries vary from person to person but to try and offer a degree of consistency regarding the levels of compensation awarded, a body called the Judicial College compiles guidelines for all types of injuries, and whilst they have no legal basis, they do form a well-respected framework for calculating injury compensation payouts. 

See below for back injury compensation claim amounts. The figures above are for general damages only and do not factor in additional losses as a direct result of your injury, which you may also be entitled to claim for.

Speak to the Personal Injury team at PSR to discuss your specific case. 

What Constitutes a Back Injury?

Injuries to the back can be complex, particularly those involving spinal injuries. This is down to the significant debilitating effects such injuries can have on the individual and the long-term implications of the injury.

Back Injury Claims are often associated with road traffic accidents but they can occur as the result of a multitude of other incidents including slips and trips, work-related accidents, sports injuries, or any number of other traumatic accidents.  They can also vary significantly in severity from instances where a full recovery is made in a relatively short period of time, to incidents that result in life-changing injuries, such as paralysis, severe pain, and disability. There are often secondary psychological issues with more severe back injuries, with many people suffering from depression.

The most severe back injuries, with the most serious long-term implications tend to occur when the body is subjected to an intense external force, caused by an incident such as a road traffic accident, a sports injury, or a fall from height. 

Moderate back injuries tend to include instances where there is deformation, normally in the form of compression or crushing, causing fracturing of the lumbar vertebrae, or displacement - known as spondylolisthesis.
Less serious back injuries, such as sprains, strains, and herniated discs, tend to result from poor body positioning when lifting heavy objects and frequently occur in the workplace.

If you have suffered a back injury as a consequence of the actions or negligence of a 3rd party, then you deserve compensation. 

What Constitutes Spinal Cord Injuries? 

The consequences of Spinal Cord Injury can be devastating and potentially life-changing. Depending on the severity and location of the injury, you could suffer from paralysis and lose control of a number of body systems.

A major challenge in assessing the extent of a spinal injury is that a phenomenon called spinal shock occurs immediately after the injury, this stops the central nervous system from sending signals and so it is difficult to qualify which effects are permanent and which are temporary, so it may take 6-8 weeks for the spinal shock to subside.

Spinal Cord Injuries can be categorised into two groups, complete spinal injuries, or incomplete spinal injuries.

An incomplete Spinal Cord Injury is classified as an injury where the spinal cord has only been partially damaged and that the possibility of recovering some motor and sensory function still exists. This type of spinal injury contains four classifications:

  • Anterior Cord Syndrome - Where the spinal cord damaged at the front
  • Central Cord Syndrome - Where the core or central portion of the spinal cord is damaged
  • Posterior cord syndrome - Where the rear section of the spinal cord is damaged
  • Brown-Sequard syndrome - Where the side portion on either side of the spinal cord is damaged

A complete spinal cord injury is where the spinal cord is completely severed causing a complete loss of function below the point of injury. There are numerous types of spinal cord injury:

  • Tetraplegia/Quadriplegia
  • Paraplegia
  • Hemiplegia
  • Cauda equina syndrome

Treatment and Support for Spinal & Back Injuries

Whilst the treatment required is completely dependent on the nature and severity of your back injury, the common treatment options and support available include:

  • Surgery - Nerve Treatment /Spinal Fusion
  • Manual Therapy - Physiotherapy, Osteopathy
  • Medication - Anti-inflammatory Drugs, Painkillers, Muscle relaxants
  • Psychological support - Therapy & Counselling
  • Professional care - Nursing, OT’s, etc
  • Home adaptations - Stairlifts, Ramps, Hoists, etc
  • Injury management equipment
  • Adapted vehicle

If you or someone you know is suffering the effects of a Back Injury sustained in an accident caused by third-party negligence, PSR’s accredited Injury Claim Solicitors can help.

Making a Back Injury Claim

If you have suffered a Back Injury through no fault of your own and you feel there is evidence of 3rd party liability, then you are entitled to claim compensation.

By choosing PSR Solicitors to handle your Back Injury Claim, you can rest assured that you have secured the legal expertise and experience to win your claim and receive the maximum compensation that you deserve. We serve all clients with compassion and determination on a No Win No Fee basis, meaning there will be no legal costs to pay and therefore, no risk to you.

All PSR’s Personal Injury Solicitors in Wales and Accident Lawyers in Cheshire are accredited by the Law Society for Personal Injury Claims, giving you the reassurance they have the expertise and tenacity to secure the maximum levels of compensation for you or your family.

Covering North Wales and Cheshire, with offices in Colwyn BayEllesmere PortRhylShottonWrexhamWallasey, and Chester, PSR Solicitors are a leading firm of Personal Injury Solicitors, affording you the peace of mind that we will manage the entire claim to its conclusion and allow you to concentrate on recovery.

Contact our Injury Solicitors to get started...

Your Personal Injury claim is vitally important, which is why we will contact you within an hour of your initial contact with us during normal working hours, or at the earliest opportunity on the next working day if you contact us after close of business.


  • No Win No Fee
  • 5 Star Google satisfaction ratings
  • Law Society Accredited Solicitors
  • Personable, Professional & Reliable

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  • 5 Star Google satisfaction ratings
  • Law Society Accredited Solicitors
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