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£10,000 for Construction Site Accident Claim in Prestatyn

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£10,000 for Construction Site Accident Claim in Prestatyn

PSR Solicitors of Rhyl have successfully obtained £10,000 in compensation for a client who had suffered a serious injury at work during the construction of Prestatyn Retail Park.

Injured in October 2015, our client was a groundworker working within a cesspit in Prestatyn Retail Park, which at the time was partway through construction. He was in the process of bending down and had his head and right shoulder down inside the cesspit, with his left hand and thumb resting on the frame of the manhole cover to provide balance, One half of the manhole cover had been moved to one side but the remaining half was being held up by an employee of Marshall (Building Contractors) Ltd. Without any prior warning the employee dropped the manhole cover, trapping our client’s left thumb resulting in serious injury.

We received instruction in relation to this matter in October 2015 and subsequently submitted the claim to the Defendants.  Liability was denied. Within their denial, the Defendants stated that the Claimant was putting forward a fraudulent case and had fabricated the circumstances to gain compensation. 
We took thorough instructions and as the Claimant was adamant his account was accurate and truthful we pressed on by obtaining medical evidence and issuing Court proceedings. The matter was listed for trial on the 21st February 2019. 

In the run-up to the trial, a barrister provided advice to us that the case should be discontinued as prospects were below 50%, however, we were content with prospects and as such continued nevertheless. From the client’s perspective, he was covered by our No Win No Fee promise, so had the claim not been successful, he would have had no legal fees to pay.

The Claimant’s case was successful at trial, the Judge finding that on the balance of probabilities the accident had occurred as per the Claimant’s account. 

We fought a long hard case and obtained compensation of £10,000 for our client.

If you have suffered a serious injury in a work accident and want free expert advice on how to make a compensation claim, call and speak to PSR Solicitors’ fully qualified Personal Injury Solicitors

If you, a family member or a colleague have suffered a workplace injury and are looking to make a work accident compensation claim, speak to PSR Solicitors’ team of specialist work accident claim solicitors, for expert advice and skillful representation.

By instructing one of specialist Personal Injury Solicitors in Wales or Accident Claims Experts in Cheshire, you dramatically increase your chances of winning your claim and securing the compensation and help you are entitled to.

Some legal firms no longer use qualified solicitors to handle work accident claims, at PSR Solicitors we understand the impact that a work injury can have on the victim and believe that your case deserves the expertise and attention of a dedicated qualified personal injury solicitor.

With offices throughout North Wales and Cheshire, you can contact us with the peace of mind that one of our qualified solicitors will manage the whole claim for you on a No Win No Fee basis.  This means that you won't have any legal costs to pay if your claim is unsuccessful so No Win No Fee means No Risk To You.

Paul Rossiter
Posted by: Paul Rossiter Managing Director

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